Contact Details
email: a.rofes[at]
Thesis Details
Verbs and nouns in awake neurosurgery – needs and answers
Professor Dr. Gabriele Miceli, University of Trento
Professor Dr. Roelien Bastiaanse, University of Groningen
Professor Dr. Lyndsey Nickels, Macquarie University
Assistant professor at the department of neurolinguistics at the University of Groningen
Selected Publications
de Aguiar, V., Zhao, Y., Ficek, B., Webster, K., Rofes, A. … Tsapkini, K. (in press). Cognitive and language performance predicts effects of spelling intervention and tDCS in Primary Progressive Aphasia. Cortex.
Rofes, A., de Aguiar, V., Ficek, B., Wendt, H., Webster, K., & Tsapkini, K. (2019). The role of word properties in performance on fluency tasks in people with Primary Progressive Aphasia. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, 68(4), 1521-1534. doi:10.3233/JAD-180990
Rofes, A., Mandonnet, E., de Aguiar, V., Rapp, B., Tsapkini, K. & Miceli, G. (2019). Language processing from the perspective of electrical stimulation mapping. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 36(3-4), 117-139. doi:10.1080/02643294.2018.1485636
Freyschlag, C., Krieg, S.M., … Rofes, A., … Mandonnet, E. (2018). Imaging practice in low-grade gliomas among European specialized centers and proposal for a minimum core of imaging. Journal of Neuro-Oncology, 139(3), 699-711doi:10.1007/s11060-018-2916-3.
Rofes, A., Talacchi, A., Santini, B., Pinna, G., Nickels, L., Bastiaanse, R., & Miceli, G. (2018). Language in individuals with left hemisphere tumors: Is spontaneous speech analysis comparable to formal testing? Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 40(7), 722-732. doi:10.1080/13803395.2018.1426734
Rofes, A., Zakariás, L., Ceder, K., … Howard, D. (2017). Imageability ratings across languages. Behavior Research Methods, 50(3), 1187-1197. doi:10.3758/s13428-017-0936-0
European Low Grade Glioma Network (contributor) (2017). Evidence-based medicine in glioma: molecular biology is only part of the story. Lancet Oncology, 18(8), e429. doi:10.1016/S1470-2045(17)30510-7
Rofes, A., Spena, G., Talacchi, A., Santini, B., Miozzo, A., & Miceli, G. (2017). Mapping nouns and finite verbs in left hemisphere tumors: a direct electrical stimulation study. Neurocase, 23(2), 105-113. doi:10.1080/13554794.2017.1307418
Rofes, A., Mandonnet, E., Godden, J., Baron, M.H., Colle, H., Darlix, A., … Wager, M. (2017). Survey on current cognitive practices within the European Low-Grade Glioma Network: towards a European assessment protocol. Acta Neurochirurgica, 159(7), 1167-1178.doi:10.1007/s00701-017-3192-2
Fyndanis, V., Lind, M., Varlokosta, S., … Rofes, A., … Howard, D., (2017). Cross-linguistic adaptations of the comprehensive aphasia test: challenges and solutions. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics, 31(7-9), 697-710 doi:10.1080/02699206.2017.1310299
Rofes, A., Spena, G., Miozzo, A., Fontanella, M., & Miceli, G. (2015). Advantages and disadvantages of intraoperative language tasks in awake surgery: a three-task approach for prefrontal tumors. Journal of Neurosurgical Sciences, 59(4), 337-349.
Rofes, A., Capasso, R., & Miceli, G. (2015). Verb production tasks in the measurement of communicative abilities in aphasia. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 37(5), 483-502. doi:10.1080/13803395.2015.1025709
Rofes, A., de Aguiar, V., & Miceli, G. (2015). A minimal standardization setting for language mapping tests: an Italian example. Neurological Sciences, 36(7), 1113-9. doi:10.1007/s10072-015-2192-3
Martínez-Ferreiro, S., de Aguiar, V., & Rofes, A. (2015). Non-fluent aphasia in Ibero-Romance: a review of morphosyntactic deficits, Aphasiology, 29(1), 101-126. doi:10.1080/02687038.2014.958915
Rofes, A., & Miceli, G. (2014). Language mapping with verbs and sentences in awake surgery: A Review, Neuropsychology Review, 24(2), 185-99.doi:10.1007/s11065-014-9258-5
Rofes, A., Bastiaanse, R., & Martínez-Ferreiro, S. (2014). Conditional and future tense impairment in non-fluent aphasia, Aphasiology, 28(1), 99-115. doi:10.1080/02687038.2013.850650
Book chapters
de Aguiar, V., & Rofes, A. (2018). Afasias não fluentes: da teoria à práctica. [Portuguese: non-fluent aphasias: theory and praxis]. In Fonseca, J. (Ed.). Perturbações da comunicação da etiologia neurológica: comunicação depois de uma lesão neurológica. Lisboa: Papa-Letras.
Science journalism/Popular science
Firth, Z., Borba Borges, P., & Rofes, A. (2019). Singin’ in the brain: why brain tumour patients are singing on the operating table. Mapping Ignorance, Cátedra de Cultura Científica, University of the Basque Country, May 8 [Article, press here]
Rofes, A. (2018). Einstein’s brain and numerical cognition: a chicken-and-egg story? Mapping Ignorance, Cátedra de Cultura Científica, University of the Basque Country, March 14 [Article, press here]
Falanga, P., & Rofes, A. (2017). What does remembering the “Little Red Riding Hood” story tell about your cognition? Mapping Ignorance, Cátedra de Cultura Científica, University of the Basque Country, August 28 [Article, press here]
Krilčić, P., & Rofes, A. (2017). How many animals can you name within one minute (and what does this say about your cognition)? Mapping Ignorance, Cátedra de Cultura Científica, University of the Basque Country, May 22 [Article, press here]
Rofes, A. (2016). What’s wrong with me if I am stuck for words? Mapping Ignorance, Cátedra de Cultura Científica, University of the Basque Country, Jun. 1 [Article, press here]
Rofes, A. (2016). Neuroplasticidad, neurorehabilitación y unas gotitas de filosofía cotemporánea [Spanish: Neuroplasticity, neurorehabilitation and a dollop of contemporary philosophy] Cuaderno de Cultura Científica (KZK), Cátedra de Cultura Científica, University of the Basque Country, Mar. 29 [Invited article, press here]
Rofes, A. (2016). Bilingual brain surgery. Mapping Ignorance, Cátedra de Cultura Científica, University of the Basque Country, Mar. 4 [Article, press here]
Rofes, A. (2016). When “Eskimo” and “Inuit” are not the same thing: looking inside words. Mapping Ignorance, Cátedra de Cultura Científica, University of the Basque Country, Jan. 18 [Article, press here]
Rofes, A. (2015). Studying language in people with dementia. Mapping Ignorance, Cátedra de Cultura Científica, University of the Basque Country, Nov. 6 [Article, press here]
Rofes, A. (2015). La neurocirugía con el paciente despierto [Spanish: Awake neurosurgery]. Cuaderno de Cultura Científica (KZK), Cátedra de Cultura Científica, University of the Basque Country, Aug. 3 [Invited article, press here]