

Svaldi, C.; Paquier, P.; Keulen, S.; van Elp, H.; Catsman-Berrevoets, C.; Kingma, A.; Jonkers, R.; Kohnen, S.; de Aguiar, V. (2023). Characterising the Long-Term Language Impairments of Children Following Cerebellar Tumour Surgery by Extracting Psycholinguistic Properties from Spontaneous Language. CEREBELLUM.

Moffat, R.; Baskent, D.; Luke, R.; McAlpine, D.; Van Yper, L. (2023). Cortical haemodynamic responses predict individual ability to recognise vocal emotions with uninformative pitch cues but do not distinguish different emotions. HUMAN BRAIN MAPPING, 44(9).

Omane, P.O.; Benders, T.; Duah, R.A; Boll-Avetisyan, N. (2023). Diversifying language acquisition research can be (partly) achieved in urban societies and with simplified methodologies: Insights from multilingual Ghana. JOURNAL OF CHILD LANGUAGE.

Tokac-Scheffer, S.D.; Arslan, S.; Nickels, L. (2023). Insights into the time course of evidentiality processing in Turkish heritage speakers using a self-paced reading task. FRONTIERS IN COMMUNICATION, 8.

Ntemou, E.; Rybka, L.; Lubbers, J.; Tuncer, M.S.; Vajkoczy, P.; Rofes, A.; Picht, T.; Faust, K. (2023). Lesion-symptom mapping of language impairments in people with brain tumours: The influence of linguistic stimuli. JOURNAL OF NEUROPSYCHOLOGY, 17(2).

Korochkina, M.; Sowman, P.F.; Nickels, L.; Buerki, A. (2023). Neural Correlates of Encoding in Novel Word Learning. COLLABRA-PSYCHOLOGY, 9(1).

Meziere, D.C.; Yu, L.; McArthur, G.; Reichle, E.D.; von der Malsburg, T. (2023). Scanpath Regularity as an Index of Reading Comprehension. SCIENTIFIC STUDIES OF READING.

Graafsma, I.L.; Robidoux, S.; Nickels, L.; Roberts, M.; Polito, V.; Zhu, J.D.; Marinus, E. (2023). The cognition of programming: logical reasoning, algebra and vocabulary skills predict programming performance following an introductory computing course. JOURNAL OF COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY, 35(3).

Behzadnia, A., Ziegler, J.C., Colenbrander, D., Bürki, A. & Beyersmann, E. (2023). The role of morphemic knowledge during novel word learning. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology.           

Behzadnia, A.; Wegener, S.; Buerki, A.; Beyersmann, E. (2023). The role of oral vocabulary when L2 speakers read novel words: A complex word training study. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition.

Cuperus, P.; de Kok, D.; de Aguiar, V.; Nickels, L. (2023). Understanding User Needs for Digital Aphasia Therapy: Experiences and Preferences of Speech and Language Therapists. APHASIOLOGY, 37(7).

Ntemou, E.; Svaldi, C.; Jonkers, R.; Picht, T.; Rofes, A. (2023). Verb and sentence processing with TMS: A systematic review and meta-analysis. CORTEX, 162.

van Ierschot, F.C.; Veenstra, W.; Miozzo, A.; Santini, B.; Jeltema, H.-R.; Spena, G.; Miceli, G. (2023). Written language preservation in glioma patients undergoing awake surgery: The value of tailored intra-operative assessment. JOURNAL OF NEUROPSYCHOLOGY.


Siriboonpipattana, W.; Nickels, L.; Bastiaanse, R. (2022). Characteristics of Thai Agrammatic speech. APHASIOLOGY, 36(8).

Shoghi, S.; Arslan, S.; Bastiaanse, R.; Popov, S. (2022). Does a walk-through video help the parser down the garden-path? A visually enhanced self-paced reading study in Dutch. FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY, 13.

Ohlerth, A.-K.; Bastiaanse, R.; Nickels, L.; Neu, B.; Zhang, W.; Ille, S.; Sollmann, N.; Krieg, S.M. (2022). Dual-Task nTMS Mapping to Visualize the Cortico-Subcortical Language Network and Capture Postoperative Outcome-A Patient Series in Neurosurgery. FRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGY, 11.

Ohlerth, A.-K., Bastiaanse, R., Nickels, L., Neu, B., Zhang, W., Ille, S., Sollmann, N., & Krieg, S.M. (2022). Dual-Task nTMS Mapping to Visualize the CorticoSubcortical Language Network and Capture Postoperative Outcome—A Patient Series.  Neurosurgery  Front. Oncol              

Nickels, L.; Lampe, L.F.; Mason, C.; Hameau, S. (2022). Investigating the influence of semantic factors on word retrieval: Reservations, results and recommendations. COGNITIVE NEUROPSYCHOLOGY, 39(3-4).

Rofes, A.; van de Beek, D.; Miceli, G. (2022). Language impairments and CNS infections: a review. APHASIOLOGY, 36(10).

Linnik, A.; Bastiaanse, R.; Stede, M.; Khudyakova, M. (2022). Linguistic mechanisms of coherence in aphasic and non-aphasic discourse. APHASIOLOGY, 36(2).

Graafsma, I.L.; Marinus, E.; Robidoux, S.; Nickels, L.; Caruana, N. (2022). No evidence that autistic traits predict programming learning outcomes. COMPUTERS IN HUMAN BEHAVIOR REPORTS, 7.

Tessaro, B.; Hameau, S.; Salis, C.; Nickels, L. (2022). Semantic impairment in aphasia: A problem of control? INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPEECH-LANGUAGE PATHOLOGY

Lyalka, O.; Nickels, L.; Morris, J.; Howard, D. (2022). The effect of processing semantic features on spoken word retrieval in a case series of people with aphasia. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPEECH-LANGUAGE PATHOLOGY.

Mosca, M;.; Manawamma, C.; de Bot, K. (2022). When Language Switching is Cost-Free: The Effect of Preparation Time. COGNITIVE SCIENCE, 46(2).

Lampe, L. F., Hameau, S., & Nickels, L. (2022). Are they really stronger? Comparing effects of semantic variables in speeded deadline and standard picture naming. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 21.


Siriboonpipattana, W., Nickels, L., Bastiaanse, R. (2021). An investigation of time reference in production and comprehension in Thai speakers with agrammatic aphasia. APHASIOLOGY, 35(9).

Korochkina, M., Buerki, A., Nickels, L. (2021). Apples and oranges: How does learning context affect novel word learning? JOURNAL OF MEMORY AND LANGUAGE, 120.

Ohlerth, A.-K., Bastiaanse, R., Negwer, C., Sollmann, N., Schramm, S., Schröder, A., Krieg, S.M. (2021). Benefit of Action Naming Over Object Naming for Visualization of Subcortical Language Pathways in Navigated Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation-Based Diffusion Tensor Imaging-Fiber Tracking.                                            

Ohlerth, A.-K., Bastiaanse, R., Negwer, C., Sollmann, N., Schramm, S., Schröder, A., Krieg, S.M. (2021). Bihemispheric navigated transcranial magnetic stimulation mapping for action naming compared to object naming in sentence context       

Nguyen, H., Morris, J., Webster, J., Nickels, L. (2021). Everyday reading in aphasia: Does advance picture context influence reading speed and comprehension? APHASIOLOGY        , 35(11).

von Hagen, A., Kohnen, S., Stadie, N. (2021). Foreign Language Attainment of Children/Adolescents with Poor Literacy Skills: a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY REVIEW, 33(2).

Ntemou, E., Ohlerth, A.-K., Ille, S., Krieg, S.M., Bastiaanse, R., Rofes, A. (2021). Mapping Verb Retrieval With nTMS: The Role of Transitivity. FRONTIERS IN HUMAN NEUROSCIENCE, 15.

Tsiwah, F., Lartey, N., Amponsah, C., Martinez-Ferreiro, S., Popov, S., Bastiaanse, R. (2021). Processing of time reference in agrammatic speakers of Akan: a language with grammatical tone. APHASIOLOGY, 35(5).

Lampe, L. F., Hameau, S., Fieder, N., & Nickels, L. (2021). Effects of semantic variables on word production in aphasia. Cortex, 141, 363–402.

Lampe, L. F., Hameau, S., & Nickels, L. (2021). Semantic variables both help and hinder word production: Behavioral evidence from picture naming. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 48(1), 72–97.


Ohlerth, A.-K., Valentin, A., Vergani, F., Ashkan, K., Bastiaanse, R. (2020). The verb and noun test for peri-operative testing (VAN-POP): Standardized language tests for navigated transcranial magnetic stimulation and direct electrical stimulation. Acta neurochirurgica, 162(2), 397-406. doi: 10.1007/s00701-019-04159-x

Davidson, M.J., Graafsma, I.L., Tsuchiya, N., van Boxtel, J. (2020). A multiple-response frequency-tagging paradigm measures graded changes in consciousness during perceptual filling-in. NEUROSCIENCE OF CONSCIOUSNESS, 1.

Murteira, A., Nickels, L. (2020). Can gesture observation help people with aphasia name actions? CORTEX, 123.

Garcia, R., Roeser, J., Hohle, B. (2020). Children’s online use of word order and morphosyntactic markers in Tagalog thematic role assignment: an eye-tracking study. JOURNAL OF CHILD LANGUAGE, 47(3).

Lyalka, O., Howard, D., Morris, J., Nickels, L. (2020). Does producing semantically related words aid word retrieval in people with aphasia? APHASIOLOGY, 34(2).

Lartey, N., Tsiwah, F., Amponsah, C., Martinez-Ferreiro, S., Bastiaanse, R. (2020). Resumption in the production of focused constructions in Akan speakers with agrammatism. APHASIOLOGY, 34(3).


Arantzeta, M., Howard, D., Webster, J., Laka, I., Martinez-Zabaleta, M., Bastiaanse, R. (2019). Bilingual aphasia: Assessing cross-linguistic asymmetries and bilingual advantage in sentence comprehension deficits, CORTEX, 119.

Tamasi, K., Mckean, C., Gafos, A., Hohle, B. (2019). Children’s gradient sensitivity to phonological mismatch: considering the dynamics of looking behavior and pupil dilation, JOURNAL OF CHILD LANGUAGE, 46(1).

den Hollander, J., Jonkers, R., Marien, P., Bastiaanse, R. (2019). Identifying the Speech Production Stages in Early and Late Adulthood by Using Electroencephalograph. FRONTIERS IN HUMAN NEUROSCIENCE, 13.

Creet, E., Morris, J., Howard, D., Nickels, L. (2019). Name it again! investigating the effects of repeated naming attempts in aphasia. APHASIOLOGY, 33(10).

Marusch, T., Jaeger, L.A., Neiss, L., Burchert, F., Nickels, L. (2019). Overt language production of German past participles: investigating (ir-)regularity. LANGUAGE COGNITION AND NEUROSCIENCE, 34(3).

Siriboonpipattana, W., Burchert, F., Bastiaanse, R., & Nikolaev, A. (2019). Passive Sentence Comprehension in Thai Agrammatic Speakers. Frontier.            

Murteira, A., Sowman, P.F., & Nickels, L. (2019). Taking action in hand: effects of gesture observation on action verb naming. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience

Garcia, R., Roeser, J., Hoehle, B. (2019). Thematic role assignment in the L1 acquisition of Tagalog: Use of word order and morphosyntactic markers. LANGUAGE ACQUISITION, 26(3)

Chen, H.-C., Szendroi, K., Crain, S., Hoehle, B. (2019). Understanding Prosodic Focus Marking in Mandarin Chinese: Data from Children and Adults. JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLINGUISTIC RESEARCH, 48(1).


Tamási, K., McKean, C., Gafos, A., & Höhle, B. (2018). Children’s gradient sensitivity to phonological mismatch: Considering the dynamics of looking behavior and pupil dilation. Journal of Child Language. Advanced online publication. doi: 10.1017/S0305000918000259

Murteira, A., Sowman, P.F., & Nickels, L. (2018). Does TMS Disruption of the Left Primary Motor Cortex Affect Verb Retrieval Following Exposure to Pantomimed Gestures? Front. Neurosci., Sec. Perception Science                                

van Ierschot, F., Bastiaanse, R., Miceli, G. (2018). Evaluating Spelling in Glioma Patients Undergoing Awake Surgery: a Systematic Review- NEUROPSYCHOLOGY REVIEW, 28(4).

Fieder, N., Nickels, L., Krajenbrink, T., Best, W. & Biedermann, B. (2018). Garlic and ginger are not like apples and oranges: Effects of mass/count information on the production of noun phrases in English. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology

Fernandez, L., Hoehle, B., Brock, J., Nickels, L. (2018). Investigating auditory processing of syntactic gaps with L2 speakers using pupillometry. SECOND LANGUAGE RESEARCH, 34(2).

Rofes, A., Talacchi, A., Santini, B., Pinna, G., Nickels, L., Bastiaanse, R., Miceli, G. (2018). Language in individuals with left hemisphere tumors: Is spontaneous speech analysis comparable to formal testing? JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL NEUROPSYCHOLOGY, 40(7).

Rofes, A., Talacchi, A., Santini, B., Pinna, G., Nickels, L., Bastiaanse, R., & Miceli, G. (2018). Language in individuals with left hemisphere tumors: is spontaneous speech analysis comparable to formal testing? Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology.                          

Hameister, I., Nickels, L. (2018). The cat in the tree – using picture descriptions to inform our understanding of conceptualisation in aphasia. LANGUAGE COGNITION AND NEUROSCIENCE, 33(10).

Arantzeta, M., Webster, J., Laka, I.,Martinez-Zabaleta, M., Howard, D. (2018). What happens when they think they are right? Error awareness analysis of sentence comprehension deficits in aphasia, APHASIOLOGY, 32(12).

Garcia, R., Dery, J.E., Roeser, J., Hoehle, B. (2018). Word order preferences of Tagalog-speaking adults and children, FIRST LANGUAGE, 38(6).


Mosca, M., de Bot, K. (2017). Bilingual Language Switching: Production vs. Recognition. FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY, 8.

Hameister, I., Nickels, L., Abel, S., & Croot, K. (2017). Do you have mowing the lawn?” – improvements in word retrieval and grammar following constraint-induced language therapy in primary progressive aphasia, APHASIOLOGY, 31(3).

Yue, J., Alter, K., Howard, D., Bastiaanse, R. (2017). Early access to lexical-level phonological representations of Mandarin word-forms: evidence from auditory N1 habituation, LANGUAGE COGNITION AND NEUROSCIENCE, 32(9).

Arantzeta, M., Bastiaanse, r., Burchert, F., Wieling, M., Martinez-Zabaleta, M, Laka, I. (2017). Eye-tracking the effect of word order in sentence comprehension in aphasia: evidence from Basque, a free word order ergative language. LANGUAGE COGNITION AND NEUROSCIENCE, 32(10).

Krajenbrink, T., Nickels, L., Kohnen, S. (2017). No effect of orthographic neighbourhood in treatment with two cases of acquired dysgraphia, APHASIOLOGY, 31(5).

Arslan, S., De Kok, D., Bastiaanse, R. (2017). Processing grammatical evidentiality and time reference in Turkish heritage and monolingual speakers. BILINGUALISM-LANGUAGE AND COGNITION, 20(3).

Tamasi, K., McKean, C., Gafos, A., Fritzsche, T., Hohle, B. (2017). Pupillometry registers toddlers’ sensitivity to degrees of mispronunciation, JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL CHILD PSYCHOLOGY, 153.

Lampe, L. F., Fieder, N., Krajenbrink, T., & Nickels, L. (2017). Semantische Nachbarschaft in der Wortproduktion bei Aphasie   Spektrum Patholinguistik—Panorama Patholinguistik: Sprachwissenschaft trifft Sprachtherapie                 

Rofes, A., Mandonnet, E., Godden, J., Baron, M.H., Colle, H., Darlix, A., … Wager, M. (2017). Survey on current cognitive practices within the European Low-Grade Glioma Network: towards a European assessment protocol. Acta Neurochirurgica          

Jap, B.A.J., Borleffs, E., Maassen, B.A.M. (2017). Towards identifying dyslexia in Standard Indonesian: the development of a reading assessment battery. READING AND WRITING, 30(8). Marusch, T., Jäger, L. A., Burchert, F., & Nickels, L. (2017). Verb morphology in speakers with agrammatic aphasia: language production of English past participles. Mental lexicon        

Rofes, A.,  Zakariás, L., Ceder, K., … Howard, D. (2017). Imageability ratings across languages. Behavior Research Methods, online first. doi:10.3758/s13428-017-0936-0

Rofes, A., Spena, G., Talacchi, A., Santini, B., Miozzo, A., & Miceli, G. (2017). Mapping nouns and finite verbs in left hemisphere tumors: a direct electrical stimulation study. Neurocase, 23(2), 105-113. doi:10.1080/13554794.2017.1307418

Rofes, A., Mandonnet, E., Godden, J., Baron, M.H., Colle, H., Darlix, A., … Wager, M. (2017). Survey on current cognitive practices within the European Low-Grade Glioma Network: towards a European assessment protocol. Acta Neurochirurgica, 159(7), 1167-1178. doi:10.1007/s00701-017-3192-2

Hameister, I., Nickels, L., Abel, S., & Croot, K. (2017). “Do you have mowing the lawn?” – improvements in word retrieval and grammar following constraint-induced language therapy in primary progressive aphasia, Aphasiology, 31:3, 308-331, DOI: 10.1080/02687038.2016.1197558


Arslan, S., Bamyaci, E., Bastiaanse, R. (2016). A characterization of verb use in Turkish agrammatic narrative speech. CLINICAL LINGUISTICS & PHONETICS, 30(6).

Arantzeta, M., Webster, J., Laka, I., Martinez-Zabaleta, M. & Howard, D. (2016). Crosslinguistic asymmetries in sentence comprehension deficits in bilingual Basque-Spanish aphasia. Evidence from eye-tracking and behavioural data. Stem- Spraak- en Taalpathologie.                                  

Safavi, M.S., Husain, S., Vasishth, S. (2016). Dependency Resolution Difficulty Increases with Distance in Persian Separable Complex Predicates: Evidence for Expectation and Memory-Based Accounts. FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY, 7.

Linnik, A., Bastiaanse, R., Hoehle, B. (2016). Discourse production in aphasia: a current review of theoretical and methodological challenges. APHASIOLOGY, 30(7).

Mosca, M., Clahsen, H. (2016). Examining language switching in bilinguals: The role of preparation time. BILINGUALISM-LANGUAGE AND COGNITION, 19(2).

de Aguiar, V., Bastiaanse, R., Miceli, G. (2016). Improving Production of Treated and Untreated Verbs in Aphasia: A Meta Analysis. FRONTIERS IN HUMAN NEUROSCIENCE, 10.

Festman, J. & Mosca, M. (2016). Influence of preparation time on language control: A trilingual digit-naming study    Cognitive control and consequences of multilingualism. In J.W. Schwieter (Ed.), Cognitive Control and Consequences of Multilingualism.     

Jap, B.A., Martinez-Ferreiro, S., Bastiaanse, R. (2016). The effect of syntactic frequency on sentence comprehension in standard Indonesian Broca’s aphasia. APHASIOLOGY, 30(11).

Bastiaanse, R., Wieling, M., Wolthuis, N. (2016). The role of frequency in the retrieval of nouns and verbs in aphasia, APHASIOLOGY, 30(11).


Rofes, A., de Aguiar, V., & Miceli, G. (2015). A minimal standardization setting for language mapping tests: an Italian example. Neurological Sciences                     

Rofes, A., Spena, G., Miozzo, A., Fontanella, M., & Miceli, G. (2015). Advantages and disadvantages of intraoperative language tasks in awake surgery: a three-task approach for prefrontal tumors. Journal of Neurosurgical Sciences            

Hanne, S., Bos, L.S., Wartenburger, I., & Bastiaanse, R. (2015). An eye tracking study of time reference processing in individuals with agrammatic aphasia. Stem- Spraak- en Taalpathologie.                          

Kohnen, S., Colenbrander, D., Krajenbrink, T., & Nickels, L.  (2015). Assessment of lexical and non-lexical spelling in students in Grades 1-7. Australian Journal of Learning Difficulties.                          

de Aguiar, V., Bastiaanse, R., Capasso, R., Gandolfi, M., Smania, N., Rossi, G., Miceli, G. (2015).  Can tDCS enhance item-specific effects and generalization after linguistically motivated aphasia therapy for verbs? FRONTIERS IN BEHAVIORAL NEUROSCIENCE, 9.

Brederoo, S.G., Bos, L.S., Dragoy, O., Bastiaanse, R., & Baggio, G. (2015). Gamma oscillations as a neural signature of shifting reference time in language. Plos On  

Krajenbrink, T., Nickels, L., Kohnen, S. (2015). Generalisation after treatment of acquired spelling impairments: A review. NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL REHABILITATION, 25(4).

Arslan, S., Bastiaanse, R., Felser, C. (2015). Looking at the evidence in visual world: eye-movements reveal how bilingual and monolingual Turkish speakers process grammatical evidentiality. FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY, 6.

Martinez-Ferreiro, S., de Aguiar, V., Rofes, A. (2015). Non-fluent aphasia in Ibero-Romance: a review of morphosyntactic deficits. APHASIOLOGY, 29(1).

de Aguiar, V., Paolazzi, C., Miceli, G. (2015). tDCS in post-stroke aphasia: The role of stimulation parameters, behavioral treatment and patient characteristics. Cortex

Groenewold, R., Bastiaanse, R., Nickels, L., Wieling, M., Huiskes, M. (2015). The differential effects of direct and indirect speech on discourse comprehension in Dutch and English listeners with and without aphasia. APHASIOLOGY, 29(6).

Bos, L.S., Bastiaanse, R., Ries, J., & Wartenburger, I. (2015). The neural correlates of past time reference. Stem- Spraak- en Taalpathologie.                         

Bos, L.S., Wartenburger, I., Ries, J., Bastiaanse, R. (2015). The neural correlates of reference to the past. Frontiers in Psychology.                              

Nimz, K. (2015). The Perception of Vowel Quality and Quantity by Turkish Learners of German as a Foreign Language. SEGMENT IN PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY     

Rofes, A., Capasso, R., & Miceli, G. (2015). Verb production tasks in the measurement of communicative abilities in aphasia. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology.       


Rofes, A., Bastiaanse, R., Martinez-Ferreiro, S. (2014). Conditional and future tense impairment in non-fluent aphasia. APHASIOLOGY, 28(1),

Yue, J., Bastiaanse, R., Alter, K. (2014). Cortical plasticity induced by rapid Hebbian learning of novel tonal word-forms: Evidence from mismatch negativity. BRAIN AND LANGUAGE, 139.

Nimz, K. (2014). Differences in the perception of German vowels: The case of Turkish and Polish learners of GFL. Within Language, Beyond Theories. Studies in Applied Linguistics                               

Arslan, S., Aksu-Koc, A., Mavis, I., Bastiaanse, R. (2014). Finite verb inflections for evidential categories and source identification in Turkish agrammatic Broca’s aphasia, JOURNAL OF PRAGMATICS, 70.

Krajenbrink, T., Nickels, L., & Kohnen, S. (2014). Investigating the role of neighbours in treatment of acquired dysgraphia. Stem-, spraak- en taalpathologie           

Rofes, A., Miceli, G. (2014). Language mapping with verbs and sentences in awake surgery: A Review. Neuropsychology Review                               

Bos, L. S., Hanne, S., Wartenburger, I., Bastiaanse, R. (2014). Losing track of time? Processing of time reference inflection in agrammatic and healthy speakers of German. NEUROPSYCHOLOGIA, 65.

Groenewold, R., Bastiaanse, R., Nickels, L., Huiskes, M. (2014). Perceived liveliness and speech comprehensibility in aphasia: the effects of direct speech in auditory narratives. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LANGUAGE & COMMUNICATION DISORDERS, 49(4).

Nimz, K. (2014). Predicting Vowel Length Production in an L2: Phonetic versus Phonological Contrastive Analyses. Crossing Phonetics-Phonology Lines              

Groenewold, R., Bastiaanse, R., Nickels, L., Wieling, M., Huiskes, M. (2014). The effects of direct and indirect speech on discourse comprehension in Dutch listeners with and without aphasia. APHASIOLOGY, 28(7).

Bos, L. S., Bastiaanse, R. (2014). Time reference decoupled from tense in agrammatic and fluent aphasia, APHASIOLOGY, 28(5).

Bos, L. S., Dragoy, O., Avrutin, S., Iskra, E., Bastiaanse, R. (2014). Understanding discourse-linked elements in aphasia: A threefold study in Russian. NEUROPSYCHOLOGIA, 57.

de Aguiar, V., Bastiaanse, R., Miceli, G. (2014). Aphasia rehabilitation from a linguistic perspective and the role of tDCS. Stem-, spraak- en taalpathologie


Marusch, T., von der Malsburg, T., Bastiaanse, R., & Burchert, F. (2013). Die Tempusmorphologie bei deutschen Agrammatikern: Die Sprachproduktion von regulären, irregulären und gemischten Verben. Spektrum Patholinguistik, 6       

Groenewold, R., Bastiaanse, R. and Huiskes, M. (2013). Direct speech constructions in aphasic Dutch narratives. APHASIOLOGY                               

de Aguiar, V., Bastiaanse, R., Reis, A. & Dragoy, O (2013). Event related potentials of the processing of reflexives, pronouns and referential violations. Stem-, spraak- en taalpathologie.                      

Bos, L.S., Dragoy, O., Stowe, L.A., & Bastiaanse, R. (2013). Time reference teased apart from tense: Thinking beyond the present. Journal of Neurolinguistics.   


Dragoy, O., Stowe, L.A., Bos, L. S. & Bastiaanse, R. (2012). From time to time: Processing time reference violations in Dutch. Journal of Memory and Language, 66, 307–325.

Groenewold, R., Bastiaanse, R. and Huiskes, M. (2012). Kom op! Brek ‚m de poaten! Directe rede bij afasie. Logopedie en Foniatrie, 6, 184 – 190. [link]

Marusch, T., von der Malsburg, T., Bastiaanse, R., & Burchert, F. (2012). Tense morphology in German agrammatism: The production of regular, irregular and mixed verbs. The Mental Lexicon, 7, 356-381. [link]